Видеорегистратор IP 4K 8каналов NVR4108HS-4KS2/L

  • Производитель:
  • Модель:
  • Доступно:
    Нет в наличии
Нет в наличии
Protocol HTTP; HTTPS; TCP/IP; IPv4/IPv6; UPnP; SNMP; RTSP; UDP; SMTP; NTP; DHCP; DNS; IP Filter; DDNS; FTP; Alarm Server; IP Search (Support Dahua IP camera; DVR; NVS; etc.); P2P; auto register Mobile Phone Access Android; iOS Interoperability ONVIF(profile T/S/G); CGI; SDK Browser Chrome; IE9 or later; firefox Record Playback Multi-channel Playback Up to 8 channels for playback Record Mode Manual record; alarm recording; SMD recording; smart recording Storage Local HDD; network Backup USB storage device
Playback Function 1. Play/pause/stop/slow/quick/backward/by frame
2. Full screen, backup (video clip/file), partial zoom in, and audio on/off
Disk Group Yes
General Alarm Motion detection, privacy masking, video loss, scene changing, PIR alarm, IPC external alarm
Anomaly Alarm Camera disconnection, storage error, disk full, IP conflict, MAC conflict, login locked, and cybersecurity exception
Intelligent Alarm Face detection, perimeter protection (intrusion and tripwire), IVS, people counting, heat map, and SMD alarms
Alarm Linkage Recording, snapshot, audio, buzzer, log, preset, and email
External Port
Audio Input 1 Ч RCA input
Audio Output 1 Ч RCA output
HDD 1 SATA III ports, up to 10 TB for a single HDD. The maximum HDD capacity varies with environment temperature
USB 2 (1 Ч front USB2.0; 1 Ч back USB2.0)
HDMI 1 (supports up to 4K resolution output)
VGA ', ''], pagination: false }); $('select[name=\'recurring_id\'], input[name="quantity"]').change(function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?route=product/product/getRecurringDescription', type: 'post', data: $('input[name=\'product_id\'], input[name=\'quantity\'], select[name=\'recurring_id\']'), dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function() { $('#recurring-description').html(''); }, success: function(json) { $('.alert, .text-danger').remove(); if (json['success']) { $('#recurring-description').html(json['success']); } } }); }); $('.date').datetimepicker({ pickTime: false }); $('.datetime').datetimepicker({ pickDate: true, pickTime: true }); $('.time').datetimepicker({ pickDate: false }); $('button[id^=\'button-upload\']').on('click', function() { var node = this; $('#form-upload').remove(); $('body').prepend(''); $('#form-upload input[name=\'file\']').trigger('click'); if (typeof timer != 'undefined') { clearInterval(timer); } timer = setInterval(function() { if ($('#form-upload input[name=\'file\']').val() != '') { clearInterval(timer); $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?route=tool/upload', type: 'post', dataType: 'json', data: new FormData($('#form-upload')[0]), cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, beforeSend: function() { $(node).button('loading'); }, complete: function() { $(node).button('reset'); }, success: function(json) { $('.text-danger').remove(); if (json['error']) { $(node).parent().find('input').after('
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